• Convert mdx image (daemon tools) to iso


    Some time ago i created some images that were saved in mdx format using (Daemon Tools). Those were Windows times, but i migrated to Debian since then.

    I created a Windows virtual-box machine in order to use them but unfortunately it does not allow to mount them in this format.

    In order to convert them you will have to install a small package called iat using command sudo apt-get install iat . It is found in the default repo.

    One it’s installed , just run iat old_image.mdx old_image.iso


  • Kafka cluster nodes and controller using golang


    Using the golang library for zookeeper from here you can get very easily the nodes that are registered in the cluster controller node.
    In order to install this module, beside needing to setup the GOPATH you will have also to install packages from linux distro repo called:
    bzr, gcc, libzookeeper-mt-dev
    Once all of this is install just go get launchpad.net/gozk 🙂

    And here is the small example:

    package main
    import (
    func main() {
    func GetResource() {
    	zk, session, err := zookeeper.Dial("localhost:2181", 5e9)
     if err != nil {
    	fmt. Println("Couldn't connect")
    	defer zk.Close()
    	event := <-session
    	if event.State != zookeeper.STATE_CONNECTED {
    		fmt.Println("Couldn't connect")
    func GetController(connection *zookeeper.Conn) {
    	rs ,_ , err := connection.Get("/controller")
     if err != nil {
            fmt. Println("Couldn't get the resource")
    	controller := strings. Split(rs,",")
    	// fmt.Println(controller[1])
    	id := strings.Split(controller[1],":")
    	fmt. Printf("\nCluster controller is: %s\n",id[1])
    func GetBrokers(connection *zookeeper.Conn) {	
    	trs ,_, err := connection.Children("/brokers/ids")
    	 if err != nil {
            fmt. Println("Couldn't get the resource")
    	fmt.Printf("List of brokers: ")
    	for _, value := range trs {
    	fmt.Printf(" %s",value)

    Yeah, i know it's not the most elegant but it works:

    go run zootest.go
    List of brokers:  1011 1009 1001
    Cluster controller is: 1011

    That would be all.

    Tnx and cheers!

  • Error 127, not related to Puppet or Golang


    Something from my experience playing with Golang and Puppet code this morning.
    I wrote a very very simple script to restart a service that you can find here
    Today i wanted to put it on the machine and run it with puppet, so i wrote a very small class that looked like this:

    class profiles_test::updatekafka {
    package { 'golang':
      ensure => installed,
      name   => 'golang',
    file {"/root/servicerestart.go":
        source => 'puppet:///modules/profiles_test/servicerestart.go',
        mode => '0644',
        replace => true,
    exec { 'go build servicerestart.go':
        cwd => '/root',
        creates => '/root/servicerestart',
        path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'],
    } ->
    exec { '/root/servicerestart':
      cwd     => '/root',
      path    => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin','/root'],
      onlyif => 'ps -u kafka',

    On execution, surprise, it kept throw this feedback:

    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/File[/root/check_cluster_state.go]/ensure: defined content as '{md5}0817dbf82b74072e125f8b71ee914150'
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: panic: exit status 127
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: goroutine 1 [running]:
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: runtime.panic(0x4c2100, 0xc2100000b8)
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/usr/lib/go/src/pkg/runtime/panic.c:266 +0xb6
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.check(0x7f45b08ed150, 0xc2100000b8)
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:94 +0x4f
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.RunCommand(0x4ea7f0, 0x2c, 0x7f4500000000, 0x409928, 0x5d9f38)
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:87 +0x112
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.GetBrokerList(0x7f45b08ecf00, 0xc21003fa00, 0xe)
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:66 +0x3c
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.GetStatus(0xc21000a170)
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:33 +0x1e
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.StopBroker()
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:39 +0x21
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: main.main()
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: 	/root/servicerestart.go:15 +0x1e
    08:19:44 Notice: /Stage[main]/Profiles_test::Updatekafka/Exec[go run servicerestart.go]/returns: exit status 2
    08:19:44 Error: go run servicerestart.go returned 1 instead of one of [0]

    The secret is in panic: exit status 127 and it seems that it’s not related to neither golang or puppet, but shell.
    In my script they way to get the broker list is by

    output1 := RunCommand("echo dump | nc localhost 2181 | grep brokers")

    and the error is related to not having the required binaries in you path. For example if you run

    whereis echo
    echo: /bin/echo /usr/share/man/man1/echo.1.gz

    So the right way to for the exec block is actually:

    exec { '/root/servicerestart':
      cwd     => '/root',
      path    => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin','/root','/bin','/sbin'],
      onlyif => 'ps -u kafka',

    And then it will work.


  • Multiple classes block declaration in hiera will not work


    Do not add multiple classes in hiera like this:

      - profiles::datadogagent
      - profiles::updatekafka
    kafka::security: true
    kafka::security_default: true
    kafka::heap_size: 2048
     - profiles::pybackuplogs
     - profiles::group_coordinator

    Class updatekafka will not be executed.

    The structure should look like:

      - profiles::datadogagent
      - profiles::updatekafka
      - profiles::pybackuplogs
      - profiles::group_coordinator
    kafka::security: true
    kafka::security_default: true
    kafka::heap_size: 2048


  • Delete corrupted Kafka topic version 2.0


    We had in the past the situation described in this link use-case-deleting-corrupted-kafka-topic
    The situation repeated a little bit different this time. Taking a look on the list of topics, there were three topics marked for deletion.
    None of them had a Leader or Isr, so after a little bit of investigation the conclusion that they weren’t available anymore on the filesystem.
    My assumption is that the cluster controller began the delete process but failed before sending a new metadata update to the zookeepers.
    A restart of the cluster controller was performed in order to provide a new epoch, and after that, manual deletion of the “deletion request” and metadata from the zookeepers(you can find the commands in the above link).

    On another list, everything looks good.


  • Golang example for kafka service restart script


    Not much to say, a pretty decent script for Kafka service restart(i tried to write it for our rolling upgrade procedure) that it’s still work in progress. If there are any changes that needed to be made to it, i will post it.

    Here is the script:

    package main
    import (
    const (
        libpath = "/opt/kafka/libs"
    func main(){
    	fmt.Printf("You are running version %s",GetVersion(libpath))
    func GetVersion(libpath string) string {
     	var KafkaVersion []string
    	files, err := ioutil.ReadDir(libpath)
    for _, f := range files {
    	if (strings.HasPrefix(f.Name(),"kafka_")) {
    		KafkaVersion = strings.Split(f.Name(),"-")
    	return KafkaVersion[1]
    func GetStatus() bool {
    	brokers := GetBrokerList()
    	id := GetBrokerId()
            status := Contain(id,brokers)
    return status
    func StopBroker() {
    	status := GetStatus()
    	brokers := GetBrokerList()
    if (status == true) && (len(brokers) > 2) {
    	stop := RunCommand("service kafka stop")
    	time.Sleep(60000 * time.Millisecond)
    if (status == false) {
    	fmt.Println("Broker has been successful stopped")
    	} else {
    func StartBroker() {
    	status := GetStatus()
    	if (status == false) {
    	start := RunCommand("service kafka start")
    	time.Sleep(60000 * time.Millisecond)
    func GetBrokerId() string {
    	output := RunCommand("cat /srv/kafka/meta.properties | grep broker.id | cut -d'=' -f2")
    	return strings.TrimRight(string(output),"\n")
    func GetBrokerList() []string {
    	output1 := RunCommand("echo dump | nc localhost 2181 | grep brokers")
    	var brokers []string
    	lines:= strings.Split(string(output1),"\n")
    for _, line := range lines {
    	trimString := strings.TrimSpace(line)
    	finalString := strings.TrimPrefix(trimString, "/brokers/ids/")
    	brokers = append(brokers, finalString)
     return brokers
    func Contain(val1 string, val2 []string) bool {
      for _,value := range val2 {
    	if (value == val1) {
    		return true
    	return false
    func RunCommand(command string) []byte {
     cmd :=exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", command)
     result,err := cmd.Output()
     return result
    func check(e error) {
        if e != nil {


  • Fix under replicated partitions with controller restart


    If you have a Kafka cluster with only one broker that has zero under-replicated partitions and the rest have a number that is not equal to that value, than please be aware that it is not properly registered to the cluster.
    Taking a look in the state-change log on the instance that it’s the cluster controller will not show something particularly(all of them should be reported as being registered).

    That broker does not have the possibility to take partitions because the controller epoch does not see it to be functional(this is different from reachable).

    The easiest way to fix this is by a normal restart of the cluster controller. Please do not use kill or anything else, it will make things worse.

    Now, if a tail -50f /opt/kafka/server.log is executed, you will see that the process is trying to stop and all of the components are going down on a controlled fashion.
    What you will also see is that there are some errors regarding the partition that are hosted on the “problematic” broker, and that the errors are in a cycle. Please have patience with this processes and wait for it to be stopped as it should.

    On a restart, taking a look in the state-change log for the new cluster controller, you will see from time to time that the old broker that you restarted is reported to be unreachable. This is not a real problem and ignore those errors.

    After waiting for a while you will see that the under-replicated partition number will begin to decrease, hopefully to zero on all brokers.


  • Kafka service problem on upgrade to version 1.1.0


    If you are using version 1.1.0 or want to upgrade to it, and the method is by puppet module provided from voxpopuli, please be aware of this issue.

    In the template used for the init script that it’s located under /etc/init.d/kafka and as you can also see on the latest version below:


    There are some lines that take the PID file for the kafka broker by using command

    `pgrep -f "$PGREP_PATTERN"`

    . This isn’t a problem for earlier version, but unfortunately for the latest, it doesn’t return anything causing for the init script to exit with return code 1 (my suspicion is that the process name changed).

    I fixed this by replacing this string with the following

    `ps -ef | grep "$PGREP_PATTERN" | grep -v grep | awk {'print $2}'`

    and it seems to work just fine.

    This doesn’t have any impact on the already configured and running cluster, and it will not restart your Kafka brokers.

    P.S: PGREP_PATTERN will resolve to kafka.Kafka which is the string to differentiate the broker instance


  • IBM MQ crtmqm instance issue


    Short notice. If you are trying to create a queue manager and receive following error:

    AMQ8101: WebSphere MQ error (893) has occurred.

    and you also have lots of space in you qmgrs and log directory, don’t look further than that.

    In some cases it happens because the install in /var/mqm is not complete. The small fix was by manually defining /var/mqm/mqs.ini, but i advise you to reinstall the framework.


    $ ls -ltr /var/mqm/
    total 8
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Mar 21 13:14 lost+found
    drwxrwsrwt    2 mqm      mqm             256 Mar 29 15:22 trace
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Mar 29 15:22 qmgrs
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Mar 29 15:22 sockets
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Mar 29 15:22 shared
    drwxrwsrwt    2 mqm      mqm            4096 Apr 03 12:10 errors


    $ ls -ltr /var/mqm
    total 32
    drwxr-xr-x    2 root     system          256 Mar 21 13:14 lost+found
    drwxrwsrwx    2 mqm      mqm             256 Mar 29 15:22 trace
    drwxrwsrwx    2 mqm      mqm            4096 Apr 03 12:10 errors
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:14 sockets
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:14 qmgrs
    drwxrwsr-x    2 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 config
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 conv
    drwxrwsr-x    2 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 log
    -rw-rw-r--    1 mqm      mqm            1941 Apr 03 12:20 service.env
    drwxrwsr-x    5 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 mqft
    drwxrwsr-x    4 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 shared
    -rw-rw-r--    1 mqm      mqm            1156 Apr 03 12:20 mqs.ini
    -rw-rw-r--    1 mqm      mqm             637 Apr 03 12:20 mqclient.ini
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 exits
    drwxrwsr-x    3 mqm      mqm             256 Apr 03 12:20 exits64


  • Command to start sysdig container – redundant but useful


    This is more like a easier way to find the command without searching the net:

    docker run -it --rm --name=sysdig --privileged=true \
       --volume=/var/run/docker.sock:/host/var/run/docker.sock \
       --volume=/dev:/host/dev \
       --volume=/proc:/host/proc:ro \
       --volume=/boot:/host/boot:ro \
       --volume=/lib/modules:/host/lib/modules:ro \
       --volume=/usr:/host/usr:ro \

    The actual command on starting a sysdig container. I will get more in depth with some Kafka cluster aggregated info from this amazing tool and also what it takes to send it to an elastic cluster.
    It will be challenging, but this is how it goes in IT in our days.
