Install zookeeper using puppet without module
Hi, In this post, I was given the task to provide a standalone zookeeper cluster with basic auth on the latest version. The reason that happened is that we are using a very old module on our Kafka clusters and a new requirement appeared to install the latest version of 3.5.5. The old module had…
Configure kafka truststore and keystore using puppet
Hi, Since the last article was about the template needed to generate the truststore and keystore, now it’s time to give you the rest of the fragments for the deployment with puppet. So, We will have the kafka_security gen class that was called on the last post and it should look like this in the…
Integrate Kafka with Datadog monitoring using puppet
Hi, Since i was in debt with an article on how to integate Kafka monitoring using Datadog, let me tell you a couple of things about this topic. First of all, we are taking the same config of Kafka with Jolokia that was describe in following article. From the install of the brokers on our…
Sysdig container isolation case debugged on kubernetes
Hi, I didn’t get to actual test anything related to this but i managed to find a very interesting article that might be lost if you are not a sysdig fan. You can find it at following link https://sysdig.com/blog/container-isolation-gone-wrong/ To put into perspective, this tool is used for some very interesting debugging situation, i have played…
Small Vagrant config file for Rancher deploy
Hi, Just wanted to post this also, if it’s not that nice the config using a jumpserver, surely we can convert that to code (Puppet/Ansible), you can also use Vagrant. The main issue that i faced when i tried to create my setup is that for a reason (not really sure why, Vagrant on Windows…
Monitoring Kafka with DataDog
Hi, A very interesting series of articles that should be checked regarding one option of Kafka monitoring with Datadog : https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/monitoring-kafka-performance-metrics/. I will have in the near future a task regarding this, will post the outcome when it’s done. P.S: It was done and you can find the implementation here : Integrate Kafka with Datadog…