Jupyter Notebook – very very interesting tool
Hi, As i was taking a look on the Docker newsletter beside Moby and other articles related to that i found this interesting tool and also tutorial/presentation: Beside that you can find the official site here: http://jupyter.org This caught my attention and i will certainly try this on a machine. I am pretty curios since i…
Install Kafka Manager with Puppet
Hi, I will continue on this line with the install of a management tool called Kafka manager using same old Puppet. The main source of the project is here: https://github.com/yahoo/kafka-manager If you scroll down at packaging you will see that you have the possibility to create a .deb package for Ubuntu or Debian setup or…
Integrate Kafka with Datadog monitoring using puppet
Hi, Since i was in debt with an article on how to integate Kafka monitoring using Datadog, let me tell you a couple of things about this topic. First of all, we are taking the same config of Kafka with Jolokia that was describe in following article. From the install of the brokers on our…
Migrating Websphere MQ 7.0.1 to IBM MQ 8.0.0.x
Hi, Since there aren’t that many things new that i have done regarding Kafka and opensource software, i want to share with you this, not to be lost on a distant gitlab repo my IBM MQ migration steps and script. In order to migrate an instance from an older version (without support ) to a…
Automigrate data contained in a topic to different Kafka brokers
Hi, Let’s keep it short, you have a cluster composed of three Kafka brokers and you add another two. The details of doing that are pretty straight forward. If they are new, give them a unique broker.id and put the zoookeeper.connect string in order to know on which cluster to register. If they are already…
How to deploy Prometheus infrastructure for Kafka monitoring using puppet
Hi, In the last couple of days i worked on deployment of Prometheus server and agent for Kafka monitoring. In that purpose i will share with you the main points that you need to do in order to achieve this. First thing to do is to use the prometheus and grafana modules that you will…
List paths created by package install on Ubuntu
Hi, I was searching this morning to see what paths and files were created using package install with puppet and i found this: root@test:~# apt list –installed | grep goss WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts. goss/trusty,now 0.3.0-3 amd64 [installed] root@test:~# dpkg-query -L goss /. /usr…
Wrong Kafka configuration and deployment using puppet
Hi, I just want to share with you one case that we have last week and that involved some wrong kafka deplyment from puppet that actually filled the filesystems and got our colleagues that were using it for a transport layer on ELK. Lets start with the begining, we have some puppet code to deploy…
Sysdig container isolation case debugged on kubernetes
Hi, I didn’t get to actual test anything related to this but i managed to find a very interesting article that might be lost if you are not a sysdig fan. You can find it at following link https://sysdig.com/blog/container-isolation-gone-wrong/ To put into perspective, this tool is used for some very interesting debugging situation, i have played…
Install eyaml module on puppet master
Hi, Today i will show how i installed module used for data encrypt in order to safely include it in hiera yaml files) It really simple as described on https://github.com/voxpupuli/hiera-eyaml. The actual step that i couldn’t find explicitly written in the doku and i had to figure it out myself is that you need to…