Tag: iptables

  • Securing kafka-manager endpoints with iptables rules behind traefik


    One extra addition to my traefik balancing article from http://log-it.tech/2017/08/19/puppet-implementation-traefik-load-balancer-kafka-manager/ is that even so now we have the balancing capability we still need to restrict access to unsecured endpoint. I thought all the code to be deployable on all of the nodes. If this is taken in consideration, our issue with the firewall rules should be easily solved by using the puppetlabs module https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-firewall and the code that i included looks like:

    $hosts_count = $kafka_hosts.count
      package {'iptables-persistent':
      name => 'iptables-persistent',
      ensure => installed,
      resources { 'firewall':
        purge => true,
      $kafka_hosts.each | Integer $index,String $host | {
        firewall {"10${index} adding tcp rule kafka manager node ${index}":
          proto => 'tcp',
          dport => 9000,
          source => "${host}",
          destination => "${fqdn}",
          action => 'accept',
      firewall {"10${hosts_count} droping rest of kafka manager calls":
        proto => 'tcp',
          dport => 9000,
          destination => "${fqdn}",
          action => 'drop',

    This should be add rules in order to allow traffic on port 9000 only between the kafka hosts that have kafka manager installed.