Don’t delete the Kafka GC logs when they are used
Hi, I made a mistake some time ago, and it’s there to hunt me. Deleting the normal gc logs including the one it’s already used doesn’t solve anything, it just created a more difficult situation. Here is my example: /dev/sda1 50G 42G 5.2G 90% / /opt/kafka/logs# ll total 34M drwxrwxr-x 2 kafka kafka 4.0K Oct…
Log rotate for Kafka Garbage collect without restart
Morning, If you have a Apache Kafka version which is below 1.0.0 and you don’t have garbage collect rotate as shown here: with: -Xloggc:/opt/kafka/bin/../logs/kafkaServer-gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps -XX:+UseGCLogFileRotation -XX:NumberOfGCLogFiles=10 -XX:GCLogFileSize=100M without: -Xloggc:/opt/kafka/bin/../logs/kafkaServer-gc.log -verbose:gc -XX:+PrintGCDetails -XX:+PrintGCDateStamps -XX:+PrintGCTimeStamps One option is to modify the parameters in order to include them in the process that starts but…
Implementing logrotate for kafka
Hi, Yes, we will need to implement also logrotate if we want to keep kafka under control. My solution was with puppet, as you probably expected. After i took a look on the documentation related to log4j properties i this i had a configuration figured out that should look like the following erb template #…