Monitoring Kafka with DataDog
Hi, A very interesting series of articles that should be checked regarding one option of Kafka monitoring with Datadog : https://www.datadoghq.com/blog/monitoring-kafka-performance-metrics/. I will have in the near future a task regarding this, will post the outcome when it’s done. P.S: It was done and you can find the implementation here : Integrate Kafka with Datadog…
Monitoring Kafka node using Docker
Hi, Today i am just going to point you to a very interesting article related to monitoring of Kafka node/nodes using InfluxDB, Grafana and Docker. Hope it is useful, i will surely try it in one of the days. https://softwaremill.com/monitoring-apache-kafka-with-influxdb-grafana/ Now this is not quite standard but nevertheless it is an option. Cheers!