Multiple field query in ELK from Python
Morning, There are a lot of pages on how to query ELK stack from Python client library, however, it’s still hard to grab a useful pattern. What I wanted is to translate some simple query in Kibana like redis.info.replication.role:master AND beat.hostname:*test AND tags:test into a useful Query DSL JSON. It’s worth mentioning that the Python…
List paths created by package install on Ubuntu
Hi, I was searching this morning to see what paths and files were created using package install with puppet and i found this: root@test:~# apt list –installed | grep goss WARNING: apt does not have a stable CLI interface yet. Use with caution in scripts. goss/trusty,now 0.3.0-3 amd64 [installed] root@test:~# dpkg-query -L goss /. /usr…