Configure kafka truststore and keystore using puppet


Since the last article was about the template needed to generate the truststore and keystore, now it’s time to give you the rest of the fragments for the deployment with puppet.
So, We will have the kafka_security gen class that was called on the last post and it should look like this in the final form:

class profiles::kafka_security_gen {
    $pass = hiera('profiles::kafka_security_gen::password','password')
    $keystorepass = hiera('profiles::kafka_security_gen::keystorepass','password')
    $cluster_servers = query_nodes("role='kafka'")
    $servers = $cluster_servers.delete("${::fqdn}")
    file {'/home/kafka/':
        owner => kafka,
        group => kafka,
        ensure => file,
        mode => '0755',
        content => template("${module_name}/"),
        replace => 'no'
} ->
    exec {'generate_keystore':
    path   => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
    command => '/home/kafka/',
    user => 'kafka',
    unless => 'test -f /home/kafka/kafka.server.keystore.jks'
    $servers.each |String $server| {
        exec{"copy files to ${server}":
            cwd => '/home/kafka',
            path   => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
            command => "scp /home/kafka/kafka* kafka@${server}:/home/kafka",
            user => 'kafka',
    ssh_keygen {'kafka':
    home => '/home/kafka/',
    type => rsa,
  @@file {"/home/kafka/.ssh/authorized_keys":
    ensure => present,
    mode => '0600',
    owner => 'kafka',
    group => 'kafka',
    content => "${::sharedkey}",
    tag => "${::instance_tag}",

The only thing i did not manage to fix is the copying of the stores, it will copy them each time, but i will fix that in the near future with some custom facts.
Ok, now let’s see the integration part with kafka code. Unfortunately, i can not provide you all the code but as far as i can provide you is:

$kafkadirs = ['/home/kafka/', '/home/kafka/.ssh/']
file { $kafkadirs: 
    ensure => directory,
    mode => '0700',
    owner => 'kafka',
    group => 'kafka'
    $security_enabled = hiera('profiles::kafka::security',false)
if ($security_enabled == false) {
  $broker_config = {
  } else {
    # if hostname starts with kafka0 them it's the CA auth (in our case kafka servers are on form kafka0....)
    if ($hostname == 'kafka0') {
    contain 'profiles::kafka_security_gen'
    #this shares the public key on a couple of servers wich are isolated by a tag
    File <<| tag == "${::instance_tag}" |>>
    #path for keystore/truststore
    $keystore_location = '/home/kafka/kafka.server.keystore.jks'
    $truststore_location = '/home/kafka/kafka.server.truststore.jks'
    #broker config
    $broker_config = {
    '' => 'SSL',
    'ssl.client.auth'               => 'none',
    'ssl.enabled.protocols'         => ['TLSv1.2', 'TLSv1.1', 'TLSv1'],
    'ssl.key.password'              => hiera('profiles::kafka_security_gen::password','password'),
    'ssl.keystore.location'         => $keystore_location,
    'ssl.keystore.password'         => hiera('profiles::kafka_security_gen::keystorepass','password'),
    'ssl.keystore.type'             => 'JKS',
    'ssl.protocol'                  => 'TLS',
    'ssl.truststore.location'       => $truststore_location,
    'ssl.truststore.password'       => hiera('profiles::kafka_security_gen::keystorepass','password'),
    'ssl.truststore.type'           => 'JKS',
    'listeners'                     => "PLAINTEXT://${::fqdn}:9092,SSL://${::fqdn}:9093", #both listeners are enabled
    'advertised.listeners'          => "PLAINTEXT://${::fqdn}:9092,SSL://${::fqdn}:9093",
class { '::kafka::broker':
    config    => $broker_config,
    opts      => hiera('profiles::kafka::jolokia', '-javaagent:/usr/share/java/jolokia-jvm-agent.jar'),
    heap_opts => "-Xmx${jvm_heap_size}M -Xms${jvm_heap_size}M",

This can be easily activated by putting in the hierarchy the profiles::kafka::security option with true and it should do all the work. Once it’s done it can be tested using openssl s_client -debug -connect localhost:9093 -tls1

The link to the generate article for the security script template is and also a quite interesting guideline fron Confluence

That’s all folks. 🙂
