Fixing the kafka-manager puppet code

Hi, we have a new code version for kafka-manager deploy. I will not give more details, just that now it also has a fact for the kafka-password and also some minor changes. Fact looks like this:

require 'facter'
Facter.add(:kafka_manager_pass) do
  setcode do
    if File.exist?(file)
        kafka_manager_pass = Facter::Core::Execution.exec("cat #{file} | grep basicAuthentication.password | cut -d'=' -f2 | tr -d '\"'")
        kafka_manager_pass = "undef"

And also the new puppet code for the class:

class profiles::kafkamanager {

   $zookeeper_connect = hiera('kafkamanager::zookeeperconnect')
   $password = hiera("kafkamanager::password:",'password')
	package {'kafka-manager':
		ensure => installed,
	group { 'kafka-manager':
		ensure => 'present',	
	user { 'kafka-manager':
		ensure => 'present',
		groups => 'kafka-manager'
	Group['kafka-manager'] -> User['kafka-manager']
	file { '/usr/share/kafka-manager' :
    		ensure    => directory,
    		owner     => 'kafka-manager',
    		group      => 'kafka-manager',
    		require     => [ User['kafka-manager'], Group['kafka-manager'], ],
    		recurse    => true,
	file { '/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf':
		ensure => present,
	file_line { 'config_zookeeper':
		path   => '/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf',
		line => "kafka-manager.zkhosts=\"${zookeeper_connect}\"",
		match => 'kafka-manager.zkhosts=\"\"',
    replace => true,
	if ($::kafka_manager_pass == "undef") {
	file_line { 'enable_pass_default':
     path => '/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf',
     match => "basicAuthentication.password=\"password\"",
     line => "basicAuthentication.password=\"${password}\"",
     replace => true,
	elsif ($password != $::kafka_manager_pass) {
  file_line { 'enable_pass':
     path => '/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf',
     match => "basicAuthentication.password=\"${::kafka_manager_pass}\"",
     line => "basicAuthentication.password=\"${password}\"",
     replace => true,
  exec {'restart_kafkamanager':
    command => '/usr/sbin/service kafka-manager restart',
    path => ['/bin','/sbin','/usr/bin','/usr/sbin'],
    refreshonly => true,
    subscribe => File_line['enable_pass'],
    file_line { 'enable_auth':
        path => '/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf',
        match => 'basicAuthentication.enabled=false',
        line => 'basicAuthentication.enabled=true',
        replace => true,
	service { 'kafka-manager':
		ensure => 'running',
		enable => true,
		require => [ File['/usr/share/kafka-manager'], File['/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf'] ],
		subscribe => File["/etc/kafka-manager/application.conf"],

Give it a try!
