Datadog and GCP are “friends” up to a point
Hi, Since in the last period I preferred to publish more on Medium, let me give you the link to the latest article. There is an interesting case in which the combination of automation, Goggle Cloud Platform and Datadog didn’t go as we expected. https://medium.com/metrosystemsro/puppet-datadog-google-cloud-platform-recipe-for-a-small-outage-310166e551f1 Hope you enjoy! I will get back with more also…
Overriding OS fact with external one
Hi, Short notice article. We had a issue in which the traefik module code was not running because of a wrong os fact. Although the image is Ubuntu 14.04, facter returns it like: I honestly don’t know why this happens since on rest of machines it works good, the way to fix it fast is…
Duplicate exported resources on puppet by mistake
We had a strange problem in our test environment the other day. There is a need to share an authorized key in order for the ssh connectivity to be available. The way we shared the file resource was straight forward. The tag value variable was a fact unique to each Kafka cluster. However, each time…
Strange problem in puppet run for Ubuntu
Hi, Short sharing of a strange case. We’ve written a small manifest in order to distribute some python scripts. You can find the reference here: https://medium.com/metrosystemsro/new-ground-automatic-increase-of-kafka-lvm-on-gcp-311633b0816c When you try to run it on Ubuntu 14.04, there is this very strange error: The cause for this is as follows: Python 3.4.3 (default, Nov 12 2018, 22:25:49)…
Automatic increase of Kafka LVM on GCP
I wrote an article for my company that was published on Medium regarding the topic in the subject. Please see the link https://medium.com/metrosystemsro/new-ground-automatic-increase-of-kafka-lvm-on-gcp-311633b0816c Thanks
Install zookeeper using puppet without module
Hi, In this post, I was given the task to provide a standalone zookeeper cluster with basic auth on the latest version. The reason that happened is that we are using a very old module on our Kafka clusters and a new requirement appeared to install the latest version of 3.5.5. The old module had…
Jolokia particular case using custom facts in Hiera
Hi, This is for me and also for all the other people that are searching for how to use custom defined types in Hiera In my case i wanted to activate the HTTP endpoint of Jolokia using custom hostname and standard port. And for that it was sufficient to add in my host yaml the…
Fact for kafka_consumer hash…or kind of
Hi, There is a late requirement that we activate the kafka_consumer functionality of Datadog. Unfortunately this is a challenge if you don’t have a fixed number of consumer groups and topics (on one client we had a couple of hundreds consumer groups) Here is how it should look in the example file So, if you…
Distributing service conditionally on OS version
Hi, Since we are in the process of migrating to 16.04, my service restart script needed to be deployed with separate builds. In that purpose, i found a fact that would help me, so that my standard file block transformed into this: case $facts[‘os’][‘distro’][‘codename’] { ‘xenial’: { file {“/root/servicerestart”: source => ‘puppet:///modules/profiles/servicerestart-kafka-new’, mode => ‘0755’,…
Order Linux processes by memory usage
This one is more for me actually. We have some issues with one puppet instance on which the processes fail, and i wanted to see if there is any way to order them by memory usage. So i searched the net and found this link https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/92493/sorting-down-processes-by-memory-usage The command is like And it provides you with…