Powerlifting play ground
It’s true that I switched a little bit from this blog to Medium in hope of a larger audience but I will leave the link also here: https://medium.com/@sorin.tudor/powerlifting-play-ground-582c7e4da17d Hopefully even more analysis will come. Cheers!
Plotting unique values in a dataframe column
Today, I began experimenting with a Kaggle dataframe for the first time. Here is the link to it: https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/open-powerlifting/powerlifting-database To make a long story short, if you want to plot the count for each individual column and capture the unique values of a particular column inside that dataframe, you can simply achieve it by using the…
Using Google Gemini to optimise my scraping code
I wanted for Gemini to take a look on the code that I posted here Here is his answer: It lacks a couple of lines like: And But otherwise it works like charm and it’s faster than my first implementation Use chatbots, they know better most of the times. Cheers!
Scraping Alcopa auction site using python
Just for reference a small example of scrapping https://www.alcopa-auction.fr/ for new cars on specific brand. It can be improved a lot but just as a reference of the code. As for the code description, here is the one from Github Copilot, you judge if it’s good or not.
Plot a math function in Python
Hi, I just started a recap of calculus and wanted to know how and if it’s hard to plot functions in a programming language. Searching this topic I found this article, which gives an elegant approach: https://scriptverse.academy/tutorials/python-matplotlib-plot-function.html After trying the code here is the result Surely there are even more complex cases but at least…
No workpath update on Jupyter admin started instance
Hi, Just a very small update. I saw that when you run the CMD under Administrator rights under Windows, the Jupyter working directory is automatically set to C:\Windows\System32…..which is not great at all. I tried the standard method which is listed here but it does not work. Even after I save the file, it doesn’t…
Prometheus metrics to Pandas data frame
Hi, We are trying to implement a decision tree algorithm in order to see if our resource usage can classify our servers in different categories. First step in that process is querying Prometheus from Python and create some data frames with some basic information in order to get them aggregated. To that purpose, you can…
Starting AIOps journey – first step
There is a learning program in our company focused on gaining knowledge for “AI era” To that purpose we played a little bit with some performance data and came to some conclusions. I invite you to take a look
Getting interactive help in IPython
Hello, I want to share with you a simple trick that I saw in a training course related to objects and classes functionality in IPython. If you want to see a short description of the object or class you are using in your notebook please use , for example, if you just imported Elasticsearch from…
My introduction to Linear Regression, so far
Morning, Here are some first steps that I want to share with you from my experience with regressions. I am new and I took it to step by step, so don’t expect anything new or either very complex. First thing, first, we started working on some prediction “algorithms” that should work with data available in…