Consumer group coordinator in Kafka using some scala script
Morning, Just a small post regarding returning a consumer group coordinator for a specific consumer group. We had the issue that consumer groups are re-balancing and we didn’t knew if it’s related to application logic or the Consumer Group Coordinator was changing and the Kafka cluster was reassign a different one each time. So, a…
List differences between two sftp hosts using golang
Hi, Just as a intermediate post as i wanted to play a little bit with golang, let me show you what i managed to put together in some days. I created a virtual machine on which i installed docker and grabbed a sftp image. You can try first two from Docker Hub, it should work.…
Docker statistics – way to investigate performance
Hi, I wish it would be mine but it isn’t. Quite good article from this week newsletter related to container stats from Docker containers: Analyzing Docker container performance with native tools Wish you an enjoyable read. Cheers!
Interesting insight in docker networking mechanism
Hi, This one is not mine, but it’s worth to mention. There are’s always interesting articles in the docker newsletter but i enjoyed very much this series and i highly recommend you to read it and try it: http://techblog.d2-si.eu/2017/04/25/deep-dive-into-docker-overlay-networks-part-1.html I would really want to work more with docker and hope in the future that i…
Sysdig container isolation case debugged on kubernetes
Hi, I didn’t get to actual test anything related to this but i managed to find a very interesting article that might be lost if you are not a sysdig fan. You can find it at following link https://sysdig.com/blog/container-isolation-gone-wrong/ To put into perspective, this tool is used for some very interesting debugging situation, i have played…
Monitoring Kafka node using Docker
Hi, Today i am just going to point you to a very interesting article related to monitoring of Kafka node/nodes using InfluxDB, Grafana and Docker. Hope it is useful, i will surely try it in one of the days. https://softwaremill.com/monitoring-apache-kafka-with-influxdb-grafana/ Now this is not quite standard but nevertheless it is an option. Cheers!
Register RancherOs to the Rancher framework
Hi, After we were able to login via ssh on our machines, it’s time to put them to use by subscribing them to a orchestrating framework. One free and pretty powerful framework of such kind is given by the same company. In order to use it you will need to have Docker installed, more info…
Install RancherOS on VirtualBox and configure it for ssh access
Hi, If you are not familiar with what is RancherOS you can learn more from this link: Rancher docu It’s basically a very small Linux distro that runs all the processes as Docker containers (including the system processes). So, starting from here, we will need a RancherOS image which you can download from the following location: Rancher…