Puppet gems install workaround after TLS 1.0 switchoff
Hi, It seems that since Ruby disabled the TLS 1.0 protocol, there is an issue with installing custom gems in the puppet server. If you run puppetserver gem environment you will probably see the following output: /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppetserver gem environment RubyGems Environment: – RUBYGEMS VERSION: 2.4.8 – RUBY VERSION: 1.9.3 (2015-06-10 patchlevel 551) [java] – INSTALLATION…
Install puppet gems on puppet master using hiera
Morning, I needed to install a toml-rb gem in order to my puppet traefik module to work and i just want to short post my workaround on doing that automatically. There was some code in our repo for that but it used only hiera array, don’t really know, so i had to write a very…