We had a strange problem in our test environment the other day. There is a need to share an authorized key in order for the ssh connectivity to be available.
The way we shared the file resource was straight forward.
@@file {"/home/kafka/.ssh/authorized_keys":
ensure => present,
mode => '0600',
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
content => "${::sharedkey}",
tag => "${::tagvalue}",
The tag value variable was a fact unique to each Kafka cluster.
However, each time we executed puppet, the following error the following error was present:
08:38:20 Error: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 500 on SERVER: Server Error: A duplicate resource was found while collecting exported resources, with the type and title File[/home/kafka/.ssh/authorized_keys] on node [node_name]
We had a couple of days at our disposal to play with the puppet DB, nothing relevant came from it
This behavior started after provisioning a second cluster named similar also with SSL enabled.
After taking a look on the official Puppet documentation (https://puppet.com/docs/puppet/latest/lang_exported.html – check the caution clause), it was clear that the naming of resource should not be the same.
The problem hadn’t appear on any of our clusters since now, so this was strange to say the least.
For whatever reason, the tag was not taken into consideration.
And we know that because resources shared on both nodes were put everywhere, there was no filtering.
Quick fix was done with following modifications.
@@file {"/home/kafka/.ssh/authorized_keys_${::clusterid}":
path => "/home/kafka/.ssh/authorized_keys",
ensure => present,
mode => '0600',
owner => 'kafka',
group => 'kafka',
content => "${::sharedkey}",
tag => "${::clusterid}",
So now there is an individual file per cluster, and we also have a tag that is recognized in order to filter the shared file that we need on our server.
Filtering will be done like File <<| tag == "${::clusterid}" |>>