Delete corrupted Kafka topic version 2.0
Hi, We had in the past the situation described in this link use-case-deleting-corrupted-kafka-topic The situation repeated a little bit different this time. Taking a look on the list of topics, there were three topics marked for deletion. None of them had a Leader or Isr, so after a little bit of investigation the conclusion that…
Use case for deleting corrupted Kafka topic
Hi, We had a week ago a case in which the client could not delete a topic from the cluster (Kafka version in this case was 1.0.0). When the topic was listed, there were no leaders assigned for the partitions. It was pretty clear that it would not delete it until we fixed it. First…
Small Mirror Maker test between different Kafka clusters
Hi, Today i am trying to show you what i have been playing with for the last day. There was a business case in which some colleagues from Analytics wanted to replicate all the data from other systems in their cluster. We will start with this, two independent configured clusters with 3 servers each (on…